
目前显示的是 十二月, 2022的博文

Using the magnet to stimulate the urethra

Put a magnet into the silicone urethral sound, then insert into body. Apply an alternating magnetic field outside the body, the magnet will vibrate and stimulate the urethra Compared with vibration motor, this method may have the advantages: Selectively stimulate specific area in the urethra; Vibration amplitude and frequency can be controlled independently and easily  在硅胶尿道棒里面嵌入磁铁,再把尿道棒插入。在身体外施加交变磁场,磁铁就会震动,刺激尿道 相比于震动马达+尿道棒,这个方法可能可以选择性刺激尿道里面特定的地方,并且这种震动的幅值和频率能通过磁场来方便地控制